
Please find the English translation below.
隨著 CC 全球合作網絡 (CC Global Network, CCGN) 的政策調整[1],也恰逢原中研院台灣創用 CC 計畫的轉型需求[2],從今年 (2018) 年中開始,CC Taiwan 這個協作框架,已經改由開放文化基金會 (Open Culture Foundation) 為載體,來與 CC 總部簽訂合作協議!因應這樣的改變,透過開放文化基金會行政中心的總籌與協助,CC 台灣社群的參與者已於本年度 6 月 30 日完成第一次面會面的開放式參與會議[3],並且透過此次會議推選出,未來 CC 台灣在地社群裡,協助大家溝通意見與組建專案的社群協調人 (Chapter Coordinator),以及協助在地社群與 CC 總部溝通作法、跨域合作的社群代表人 (Chapter Representative),前者由開放文化基金會的法制顧問林誠夏先生[4]擔任,後者由開放文化基金會的專案經理洪華超先生[5]擔任,首任為期一年,改選後的後續任期每屆二年。
【台灣創用 CC 計畫與 CC 台灣社群的差異與改變】
許多關心台灣 CC 事務發展的朋友都表達了好奇,新成立的 CC 台灣社群與過去的台灣創用 CC 計畫有什麼不同的地方?基本上,主要的差異有二點,一是載體的不同,二是事務導向與運作方式略有差異。過去台灣創用 CC 計畫是以中央研究院資創中心為載體,雖然常態性完成了 CC 授權條款的本地化與翻譯,也做了許多在地的推廣,但執行的重點主軸仍需貼近學術研究為導向,而目前協調 CC 台灣社群的主要框架是建基於開放文化基金會,基本上執行的要點並沒有任何限制或預設立場,類同開放文化基金會下許多的其他託管專案[6],包括 g0v Summit、COSCUP、SITCON 學生計算機年會、OpenLab.Taipei 空間營運計劃、OpenStreetMap Taiwan,以及開放農業實驗基地等開放源碼、開放資料特點專案等,CC 台灣社群未來的運作,將被視為一個獨立自主的運作專案,也就是說,參與者透過討論來自訂自決有哪些重點事務是要合作進行的,也自籌資源來進行這些合作,或是向開放文化基金會提出徵詢,來看是否能得到必要的協助進行相關的項目。在開放文化基金會這樣開放式的協作框架下,CC 台灣社群的運作主題並不受限、參與成員也不受限,您毋須應聘於開放文化基金會,或是與開放文化基金會有正式締約關係,只要您對於 CC 授權模式的研究、應用,以及推廣,有在台灣當地建立項目的需求和熱情,都可以與 CC 台灣社群聯繫,讓這個專案的其他成員,可以呼應您的建議進而一同協作!
【CC 台灣社群專注於本地性質項目的支援與協作】
進一步說,目前 CC 全球合作網絡的調整方式,是讓 CC 推廣的國際化與在地化能雙軌併行,CC 全球總部下設有許多協作平台[7],例如開放文化館藏資產 — OpenGLAM 的溝通平台、著作權法修法的倡儀平台,以及開放教育的共享平台,這些平台或許採專門網站、郵遞論壇,或 Slack 頻道等不同方式運作,但都可以讓有興趣的朋友自主參與,直接與廣域跨國的 CC 朋友們直接互動,而若事有因地制宜或強調地區推廣的需求,再由在地社群來討論與發想,並召集在地的力量來完成。所以若對直接參與 CC 全球活動感到興趣,歡迎與 CC 台灣社群聯繫,我們將盡所知的協助您或引薦您到適當的 CC 國際交流平台,來讓您的創意與國際的朋友以更快的速度彼此激盪。
除了導引參與者加入全球直接互動的 CC 平台外,CC 台灣社群另外會協助與統籌的事務,就是在地社群協助與交流,例如以下幾個透過社群合作分工來常態維護的平台與服務:
1、CC 台灣社群討論室:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cctw-discussion /
該討論室為公開群組,由 CC 台灣社群的參與者採志工方式參與討論,主要是就 CC 授權條款的中譯、解釋,及應用情境進行知識分享,除另有註明者外,使用者在這裡討論併分享的內容,悉採 CC0 聲明不主張著作權利。若您有 CC 授權應用上的相關疑惑或想進一步洽人討論,歡迎到這個公開論壇來發布您的問題。
2、CC 台灣社群演講徵求與資源共筆頁面:https://cctw.ocf.tw/
CC 授權素材的強項在於內容可以透過公眾協作的方式進行累積,故 CC 台灣社群將已上列網址建立共筆網站,讓參與者可以不受限制的就 CC 資源有關的知識來進行分類式的編輯與分享。此外,這個共筆網站亦會定期收納及更新 CC 授權應用及說明的相關簡報,悉採 CC 授權的方式提供,讓有心導入 CC 授權進行內部管理、外部宣傳的公私立機構,可在此取得教學資源,或是發訊提出導入課程,或洽員參與專家會議的需求。此外,由於 CC 授權的素材能夠被自由重製與散布,在得到原創用 CC 台灣計畫的首肯與委託後,CC 台灣社群亦一併備份了原創用 CC 台灣計畫過去十年的網站內容,以供各界可以常態取用、索引,備份站台的網址如右所列:https://ti-wb.github.io/creativecommon-tw/。
除此之外,本年度下旬 CC 台灣社群將召集志工,定期定量在共筆網站上發表或翻譯與 CC 全球發展、應用動向有關的專題文章,以收他山之石得以攻錯,全球知識流動分享之效,再請期待。
與 CC 相關的事務,若有因地制宜及一地整合的需求者,就有 CC 台灣社群這個在地框架協助的可行性。近期開放文化基金會的同仁們,或有受到國內文物館藏機構的邀請,協同討論數位文化素材的外部權利吸納及釋出策略;或有與維基媒體協會的朋友相商,如何透過維基人與 CC 社群合作的模式,進一步累積在地的知識成果;或有參與者有意願導入 CC 總部的 CC 認證課程[8],進入本地的正體中文翻譯與推廣,這些都是很好的主題與項目。若是您發現有特定領域或題材的 CC 應用與推廣,是您所感興趣但力有未及,需要志同道合的朋友一同參與的,請不吝將您的需求與想法提供給 CC 台灣社群,或許在進一步腦力激盪下,我們可以找出更適切更快速的前進方向!
【如何接觸與參與 CC 台灣社群】
您可以藉由這些方式參與 CC 台灣社群的行列:
1、參與 CC 議題討論,進行方式請參考前述 CC 台灣社群討論室:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cctw-discussion
2、來信 CC 台灣社群公用郵件信箱,一次與多數成員進行意見溝通:[email protected]
4、申請加入 CC 台灣社群的 Slack 頻道來進行意見分享:https://cctw.slack.com/
5、為您的組織或單位申請 CC 授權應用方面的訓練演講:https://goo.gl/QuQBm6
我們衷心期盼您能加入 CC 台灣社群,讓台灣在地的知識、文化分享更為活絡,以營建一個更美好、自在,且多元發展的生活環境!
CC 台灣社群 協調人 林誠夏、代表人 洪華超
[1] https://github.com/creativecommons/global-network-strategy/
[2] http://creativecommons.tw/blog/20180625#20180625-6
[4] https://ocf.tw/people/#consultants ; https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucienchlin/
[5] https://ocf.tw/people/#staff
[7] https://creativecommons.org/about/program-areas/
[8] https://certificates.creativecommons.org/
From research-oriented to community-driven participation — “CC Taiwan” officially opens a new page now!
2018.08.10 ㏄ Lucien C.H. Lin & Rock H.C. Hung, CC BY 4.0.
To follow the policy adjustment of CC Global Network [1], and also to meet the transformation needs of the former “CC Taiwan Project” in Academia Sinica [2], from the middle of this year (2018), “CC Taiwan” as a collaboration framework, has been transferred to the Open Culture Foundation (OCF) as the undertaker to sign the cooperation agreement with Creative Commons Corporation (CC HQ). In response to this change, through the planning and assistance of the Open Cultural Foundation administration department, most of the active participants of the CC activities in Taiwan have joined the first “CC Taiwan Chapter” participation meeting on June 30 [3], face to face and this gathering is open to all who would like to participate. After the election process through this meeting, the CC Taiwan Chapter now has its new Chapter Coordinator, who is to assist in the communication and formation of the new projects for the CC Taiwan Chapter in the future, and also the new Chapter Representative, who is to help the local chapter to communicate with CC HQ and others in the CCGN for cross-border cooperation. The Chapter Coordinator is served by Mr. Cheng-hsia Lin (Lucien Lin) [4], the legal adviser of the OCF, and the Chapter Representative is served by Mr. Hua-chao Hung (Rock Hung) [5], Project Manager who is paying his contribution to the OCF as well. The first tenure of this service is for one year, followed by a re-election among the CC Taiwan Chapter participants by then, and the term of office for the successor shall be two years.
【Differences and Changes between CC Taiwan Project and CC Taiwan Chapter】
Many friends who care about the development of “CC Taiwan” affairs have expressed their concerns about what is the differences and changes between the newly established CC Taiwan Chapter and the former CC Taiwan Project? Basically, there are two main crucial points that shall be noted: the first one is the variation between the main undertakers, and the second one is that the business orientation and operation model are slightly different as well. In the past, the CC Taiwan Project was based on the budget and management under the Academia Sinica, the national academy of Taiwan. Under this circumstances, the staff of CC Taiwan Project did make quite the devotion to the porting and translation for the CC license suites, and other related local promotion activities as well, however the fundamental principle and commitment to the reviewing board of Academia Sinica is still to be research-oriented. And now with the main collaboration framework for local “CC Taiwan” affairs has been transferred to the OCF, there are no more restrictions or preset positions on the performance of CC affairs. Just like many other hosting projects under the OCF [6], such as g0v Summit, COSCUP, SITCON Student Computer Annual Meeting, OpenLab.Taipei Space Operations Plan, OpenStreetMap Taiwan, and Open Agriculture Basement, etc., all the projects related to the Open Source, Open Hardware, Open Data, and Open Culture shall be welcome to find its place under the roof of OCF, and all the projects under the OCF collaboration framework will be carried out on a community-independent decision-making policy. That is to say, participants of CC Taiwan Chapter shall discuss to make determination on which are the tasks shall be on the roadmap, and how to secure the funding for those tasks, or proposing the inquiries to the OCF to see what help the community can get to facilitate the performance of those tasks. Briefly, the running topics for CC Taiwan Chapter shall not be limited, the qualification for the participants shall not be restricted. As a potential participant, you don’t have to be employed by the OCF or official affiliated to the OCF to join the Chapter. As long as you have the needs and enthusiasm for establishing a subproject related to CC research and application in Taiwan, you are very welcome to express your ideas with other participants of the Chapter and together we might find a better way to achieve that in a much more efficient process.
【CC Taiwan Chapter is focusing on the local collaboration support】
Furthermore, currently the CCGN is adjusted to a new structure that make the international and local promotion can be parallelly advanced. There are many cross-border collaboration Platforms under the CCGN [7] already, such as the OpenGLAM platform to share the experience and method to make the cultural heritage can be shared to the public in a timely notion, the Copyright Reform Platform to lobby and advocate for a more reasonable legal framework on the users’ standpoint for copyright, the Open Education Resource Platform to channel and exchange the teaching materials that can be utilized under the CC licenses. These platforms may operate in different ways, such as topic websites, mailing lists, or Slack channels, but one thing is confirmed that they are open for all to participate only if the Behavior of Conduct has been respected and kept by the participants. So if you are interested in participating and contributing directly to the Platforms, please feel free to contact the CC Taiwan Chapter and we shall do our best to assist you or introduce you to the appropriate contacting windows for the Platforms, by that, your ideas and creativities might be enlightened by or exchanged with the CC friends worldwide in a faster way. However, other than that, there must be something shall be tailored into local conditions or emphasized the need for regional promotion, then it is where the local Chapter might step in. In this case, find us by the email or the discussion forum, the participants of the CC Taiwan Chapter shall help you to get access to the individuals or entities that might help to gather the local resources to achieve your goal.
By now, the CC Taiwan Chapter has already built up the following projects for local CC knowledge and information exchagement through community cooperation and collaboration:
1. CC Taiwan Chapter online dicussion forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cctw-discussion
The forum is for the public discussion about CC licenses and how to acknowledge them correctly in the real world cases, and most of the participants from the CC Taiwan Chapter are joining the forum by means of volunteering, mainly to share knowledge about the translation, interpretation, and application scenarios of the CC licenses. Unless otherwise noted by the contributors, what has been submitted onto the forum shall be shared under the CC0 dedication and hence waived any possible copyright with that. If you have questions about CC licenses in your implementation or would like to discuss related topic further, please feel free to post your questions onto this forum.
2. CC Taiwan Chapter lecture application and resources collating page : https://cctw.ocf.tw/
One of the excellence of CC-licensed materials is that content can be accumulated through the public collaboration under the CC licenses. Therefore, the CC Taiwan Chapter has already launched a wiki-style page on the above URLs, this allows participants to classify the CC informations and resources for local promotion at will voluntarily. In addition, the presentation slides for CC licenses explanation and best practice will be updated on the wikipage regularly. On account of that, if the manager in the public or private sector wants to implement CC licenses into the copyright management scenarios in the organization, they can easily get access to the well-defined teaching materials. Or they can also propose the training lecture or brainstorming meeting invitation to the CC Taiwan Chapter directly. Besides that, since CC-licensed materials can be freely reproduced and redistributed, the website content of the original CC Taiwan project in Academia Sinica for the past ten years has also be backed up by the CC Taiwan Chapter with the permission and help by them. We now have launched the forked site as the link shown here: https://ti-wb.github.io/creativecommon-tw/. By this, all the efforts made by the CC Taiwan Project before shall not be wasted, and we don’t have to rebuild everything from the scratch as well.
Beyond that, CC Taiwan Chapter is planning to publish feature articles or translations related to CC global development and application trends on the wikipage regularly in the latter part of this year.
【Your proposals and opinions are valued to us】
For the CC-related affairs, if there is a need for local collaboration and integration, there is the feasibility that CC Taiwan Chapter might assist in the open-participation framework. For example, recently the colleagues of the OCF have already been invited by quite a number of domestic cultural heritage institutions to discuss how to well set the accountable and reasonable copyright contribution terms between the institutions and the donors. And then the institutions might be able to pass those rights forward further to the public under the suitable CC licenses for the public weal. Or in the CC Taiwan Chapter launch meeting, we have consulted friends from Wikimedia Taiwan chapter to see if there is a way that the two groups can work closely in the future to have a better coordination on the knowledge sharing subproject. Or some of the participants of CC Taiwan Chapter once have the interest and motivation to have the “Creative Commons Certificate [8]” program translated into Traditional Chinese language to have that promoted locally in Taiwan. All those above seems like the good topics that CC Taiwan Chapter might help. And if you ever find a CC-related topic in a specific field or subject is of interest to you and for some reasons you would like to do it with the collaboration among like-minded friends, please don’t hesitate to provide your needs to us, perhaps with the further brainstorming, we might find a faster and better approach for carrying out that ideas from you.
【How to contact with and participate in the CC Taiwan Chapter】
You are welcome to participate in the CC Taiwan Chapter through the following methods:
1. Engage in the CC topics discussion on our online forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cctw-discussion
2. Write to the majority of members of CC Taiwan Chapter through our Chapter email address at: [email protected]
3. Establish contact with existing members so that they can make practical recommendations based on your needs: https://cc.ocf.tw/CCTW
4. Apply to join the Slack channel of the CC Taiwan Chapter for ideas and opinions sharing: https://cctw.slack.com/
5. Apply for a training lecture on CC licenses for your organization or department: https://goo.gl/QuQBm6
We sincerely look forward to having you join the CC Taiwan Chapter and let the knowledge and culture sharing in Taiwan can be more active and positive. In the long run, we might be able to build a better and a much more comfortable living environment with diversity here. When we share in that way, eventually everyone wins.
CC Taiwan Chapter Coordinator Lucien Cheng-hsia Lin & Representative Rock Hua-chao Hung
[1] https://github.com/creativecommons/global-network-strategy/
[2] http://creativecommons.tw/blog/20180625#20180625-6
[4] https://ocf.tw/people/#consultants ; https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucienchlin/
[5] https://ocf.tw/people/#staff